Establishment of Fatigue Life Evaluation and Management System for District Beating Pipes Considering Operating Temperature Transition Data

A district heating(DH) system supplies environmentally-friend heat and is appropriate for reduction of energy consumption and/or air pollutions. The DH transmission pipe, composed of supply and return pipes, has been used to transmit the heat and prevent heat loss during transportation. The two types of pipes are operated at a temperature of , respectively, with an operating pressure of less than 1.568MPa. The objectives of this paper are to systematize data processing of transition temperature and investigate its effects on fatigue life of DH pipes. For the sake of this, about 5 millions temperature data were measured during one year at ten locations, and then available fatigue lift estimation schemes were examined and applied to quantify the specific thermal fatigue life of each pipe. As a result, a relational database management system as well as reliable fatigue lift evaluation procedures is established for Korean DH pipes. Also, since the prototypal evaluation results satisfied both cycle-based and stress-based fatigue criteria, those can be used as useful information in the future fer optimal design, operation and energy saving via setting of efficient condition and stabilization of water temperature.