Particle Dynamics Simulations of Rate- and State-dependent Frictional Sliding of Granular Fault Gouge

Abstract — Recent simulations using the particle dynamics method (PDM) have successfully captured many features of natural faults zones as illuminated in laboratory studies. However, 2-D simulations conducted on idealized assemblages of particles using simple elastic-frictional contact laws, yield friction values considerably lower than natural materials, and lack time- and velocity-dependent changes in strength that influence dynamic fault slip. Here, preliminary results of new PDM simulations are described, in which particle motions are restricted as a proxy for particle interlocking and out of plane contacts, and time-dependent contact healing is introduced to capture temporal strengthening of granular assemblages. Frictional strength is increased, and in the absence of interparticle rolling, can attain values observed in the laboratory. The resulting mechanical behavior is qualitatively similar to that described by empirically-based rate-state friction laws, providing new physical insight into the discrete mechanics of natural faults.