An analysis of the seasonal and short-term variation of road pavement skid resistance

Specific appreciation (as outlined below) is given to the significant industry partners/supporters that have helped support the research in many different ways. Firstly, I must give special thanks to Works Infrastructure Limited who have supported the research both financially and with resources almost from the outset of the research programme. The field testing data collection in the Northland Region of New Zealand would not have been possible without the support of the Whangarei Works Infrastructure team which included Peter Houba, Peter King, Matthew Findlay, Glen Kirk and the temporary traffic control team headed by Derek Phillips. Thanks also go to the Auckland Works Infrastructure testing laboratory which supplied aggregate supplies for laboratory sampling and testing and whose technicians also undertook Polished Stone Value tests on the aggregate samples. Special thanks are also given to Michael Haydon and David Hutchison from the technical management team of Works Infrastructure who have always been willing to listen to my requests and the many discussions that we have had on aspects of skid resistance, policy and technical matters. Pavement Management Services and especially Dr John Yeaman and Daniel Rich for their support for the research programme from the beginning, and secondly for financially contributing to the purchase of the Dynamic Friction Tester for the static field testing and the laboratory tests. Achnowledgement is also given to The Ports of Auckland and especially Jo Campbell of the AXIS Intermodal group that allowed access to the rail grid site as a field-testing site outside of normal port operation hours. Transit New Zealand head office staff (Mark Owen, David Cook and Chris Parkman) are also thanked for their support of the research and in enabling access to historic SCRIM and RAMM data on the Transit New Zealand state Highway network. Land Transport New Zealand (formerly Transfund New Zealand) are acknowledged for their significant financial support of the research, in terms of the Land Transport New Zealand Research project that allowed the field research data collection and analysis programme to continue for a further year and for the extension to the controlled laboratory testing.