Failures of barrages or regulators or parts of them may be expected when excessive scour patterns are observed downstream of such stru ctures. Severe and excessive scour may be largely due to unsymmetric operation of gate s especially when a multi-vents barrages or regulator is being considered. Previous investigations proved that the scour patterns downstream hydraulic structures are functi ons of the bottom velocities among other relevant factors such as Froude number, opera tion of gates, …. etc. In this paper, the results of an experimental investigation on the effect of operations of gates of mutli-vents regulator on the pattern of bottom velo city (velocity near bed) are presented. The experimental program was carried under submeregd flow conditions. Symmetric and asymmetric operation of main gates, emergency gates and mixed operation of main and emergency gates are considered. An electromagetic flow meter is used to measure the velocity components (in x an d y directions) near bed at a predefined mesh over both rigid and movable beds. The pattern of the velocity vectors for each run is plotted to indicate the relative ma gintude and direction of the bottom velocity, which in turn, could be used to predict t he pattern of scour downstream of rigid bed of the multi-vents regulator. It is obser ved that the velocity pattern is a function of the operation of gates, type of gates ( main or emergency), Froude number at the vena contracta, and submergence ratio. The q ualitative and quantitative effects of all these parameters on the bottom velocity are presented in the present research paper.