Mapping 2D midship drawings into a 3D ship hull model based on STEP AP218

Abstract Standard for the exchange of product model data (STEP) AP218 has a standard schema to represent the structural model of a midship section. While its schema facilitate the exchange of ship structural models among heterogeneous systems, most shipyards and classification societies exchange information using 2D paper drawings. We propose a feature parameter input method to generate a 3D STEP model of a ship structure from 2D drawings. We have analyzed the ship structure information contained in 2D drawings and have defined a data model to express the contents of the drawing. We also developed a GUI for the feature parameter input. To translate 2D information extracted from the drawing into a STEP AP218 model, we have developed a shape generation library and have generated the 3D ship model through this library. The generated 3D STEP model of a ship structure can be used to exchange information between design departments in a shipyard as well as between classification societies and shipyards.