This book is a welcome addition to the growing literature on spatial statistics, with the distinctive feature that it is aimed at “the intersection of at least three traditionally separate academic disciplines: statistics, epidemiology and geography” (p. 4). Spatial statistics is a subject with a fascinating history. From a theoretical perspective, the core of the subject is the formulation and analysis of stochastic processes indexed by (typically two-dimensional) space rather than by one-dimensional time, in which context the increase in dimensionality is less important than the loss of a natural ordering to the index set. My favorite teaching example of this point, which has its origins in an article by Brook (1964), is the following. Consider the first-order temporal autoregressive process Yt , conventionally defined as Yt = αYt−1 + Zt , (1)
D. Krige.
A statistical approach to some basic mine valuation problems on the Witwatersrand, by D.G. Krige, published in the Journal, December 1951 : introduction by the author
D. Brook.
On the distinction between the conditional probability and the joint probability approaches in the specification of nearest-neighbour systems
Geoffrey S. Watson.
Trend Surface Analysis and Spatial Correlation
J. Besag.
Spatial Interaction and the Statistical Analysis of Lattice Systems
N. Cressie.
Fitting variogram models by weighted least squares
J. Besag,et al.
Bayesian analysis of agricultural field experiments