The Vacuum Society of Japan (VSJ) was established in 1954 with the aim of progress in the vacuum science and technology and their applications to various fields. The VSJ members consist of the individual members and corporate members (companies related to the vacuum technology) and the society has been managed by the selected members from both keeping a close relation to each other. This management system is specific to VSJ and hard to find out in the most societies. The active fields of the members cover many fields, not to mention vacuum science and technology, surface science and thin films, but also electronics, plasma science, nanotechnology, catalyst chemistry, accelerator technology, nuclear energy, space technology, metal engineering, materials science, optics, machinery, biotechnology etc. The society is eager to attract many more members of those as well as other fields to grow into a more multidisciplinary society. VSJ is the representative member of IUVSTA (International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications) and is responsible for distributing the latest information about the vacuum science and technology to the society members through international cooperation activities.