Analysis of Critical Thinking from Student with Quantive Approach

This study aims to describe critical thinking of male and female students in solving story problems. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects in this study were class VIII Tunggangri MTsN consisting of one male student and one female student. Subject selection with purposive sampling technique. The instruments used are test sheets and interview guidelines. Collection techniques with tests and interviews. The data analysis technique is done by categorizing the data at the level of critical thinking and analyzing each level of critical thinking based on gender. Based on the results of the research and discussion it can be concluded that students’ critical thinking skills in solving story problems include male and female students having different levels of critical thinking. Critical thinking ability of male students can fulfill 1 critical thinking indicator from 4 critical thinking indicators. Whereas female students can fulfill 2 indicators of critical thinking from 4 indicators of critical thinking. With this research, it is expected to help teachers in developing students’ critical thinking skills both male and female students.