Blanco de Guinea (Dioscorea cayenensis - D. rotundata ) yam clone in vitro nodal segment multiplication in a temporary immersion system

́Blanco de Guinea ́ yam clone nodal segment multiplication was increased by using the temporary immersion system (TIS). The highest values for plant height, in ternodal number per plant and fresh and dry weight were obtained in this culture system. Nodal segments cul tivated in TIS produced the highest multiplication coefficient (8,50). These plants were characterised by their green colour and rapid growth. The number of plants having vitrification symptoms (3,30) became reduced due to the favourable culture conditions crea1 Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Viandas Tropicales (Inivit), Villa Clara, Cuba. 2 Instituto de Biotecnología de las Plantas, Universidad Central “Marta Abreus” de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. Rev. Colomb. Biotecnol. Vol. X No. 2 Diciembre 2008 97-103 BIOTECNOLOGIA X-2 DIC 2008.indd 97 15/12/2008 9:33:27 98 Rev. Colomb. Biotecnol. Vol. X No. 2 Diciembre 2008 97-103 ted in the TIS. It is recommended that nodal segment multiplication in TIS be include in the available micropropagation protocols for Dioscorea cayenensis D. rotundata to decrease propagation/production costs.