Enhancing Heat Transport in Multiphase Thermally driven Turbulence

This numerical study presents a simple but extremely effective way to considerably enhance heat transport in turbulent multiphase flows, namely by using oleophilic walls. As a model system, we pick the Rayleigh-Benard setup, filled with an oil-water mixture. For oleophilic walls, e.g. using only $10\%$ volume fraction of oil in water, we observe a remarkable heat transport enhancement of more than $100\%$ as compared to the pure water case. In contrast, for oleophobic walls, the enhancement is then only about $20\%$ as compared to pure water. The physical explanation of the highly-efficient heat transport for oleophilic walls is that thermal plumes detach from the oil-rich boundary layer and are transported together with the oil phase. In the bulk, the oil-water interface prevents the plumes to mix with the turbulent water bulk. To confirm this physical picture, we show that the minimum amount of oil to achieve the maximum heat transport is set by the volume fraction of the thermal plumes. Our findings provide guidelines of how to optimize heat transport in thermal turbulence. Moreover, the physical insight of how coherent structures are coupled with one phase of a two-phase system has very general applicability for controlling transport properties in other turbulent multiphase flows.

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