Internet Addiction Among Students at Jordanian Universities
This study aimed to identify the status of In ternet addiction among students at the Jordanian universities. The sample of the study consisted of 1009 students (363 males and 646 females). A three – part questionnaire was used by the researcher to colle ct data. The first and third parts were developed by the researcher. The second part, the Internet addic tion Test (IAT) was developed by Kimberly Young (1998). Mean, standard deviation and ANOVA analysis we re used to analyze data. Results showed that 45% of the respondent are non- addicts, 42.3% are m ild addicts, 11.6% are moderate addicts while 0.9% only are severe addicts. Results also indicated that there are significant statistical differences of the educational, social, physical and psychological effects of Internet addiction among students attributed to gender ( ∞ ≤ 0.000) in favor of the male students. Th e results indicated no significant statistical differences of the educational social, physical and psychological effects of In ternet addiction among the students attributed to the type of the university (public or private) or the type of the college ( humanities or sciences), or the academic year-level. Consequently, several recommendations were proposed to increase awareness among faculty, staff, administrators and students of the ramifications of Internet abuse on campus and how to maximize learning, and potential of Internet and counseling should be offered to those students who fall in the mild and moderate levels of Internet addiction before they become Internet addicts. Keywords: Internet addiction, Internet abuse, excessive use of Internet, pathological use of Internet, Internet usage among college students, Inte rnet addictive behavior, Internet users).