BMP: a fast B*-tree based modular placer for FPGAs (abstract only)

With the wide application of FPGAs in adaptive computing systems, there is an increasing need to support design automation for PR FPGAs. However, there is a missing link between CAD tools for PR FPGA and existing widely used CAD tools, such as VPR. Hence, in this work we propose a modular placer for FPGAs because each PR region needs to be identified during partial reconfiguration and treated as an entity during placement and routing, which is not well supported by the current CAD tools. Our proposed tool is built on top of VPR. It takes the pre-synthesized module information from library, such as area, delay, etc, and performs modular placement to minimize total area and delay of the application. Modular information is represented in B*-Tree structure to allow fast placement. We amend the operations of B*-Tree to fit hardware characteristic of FPGAs. Different width-height ratios of the modules are exploited to achieve area-delay product optimization. Experimental results show comparisons of area, delay and execution time with original VPR. Though it may have disadvantage in area because of blank area among modules, it improves the delay of most of benchmarks comparing to results from VPR. At the end, we show PR-aware routing based on the modular placement.