Improvement of Sportsmen Physical Fitness during Previous Basic Training (Based on Sport Orienteering Material)

IntroductionThe rapid growth and development of sport orienteering provoked its popularity all over the world including Ukraine. However, the present long term sport training of sportsmen is hardly effective. Nowadays the major issue is the physical training of sport reserve, namely the young sportsmen who consequently could fill up the rows of Ukrainian national orienteering team. Most probably this issue arose due to the fact that at the early stages of training sportsmen the coaches often neglect personal biological and physical profiles of each trainee i.e., the growing rate of physical qualities ontogeny, thus later the effect of all the training technics and methods on sportsmen is undermined. Therefore our research aims to resolve this issue.Based on processing the scientific and methodological literature and also the information provided by the Internet sources the importance of physical preparation in the training process of orienteers has been revealed. But at the same time the analysis of sources mentioned above shows contradiction between existing requirements for the structure and content of the physical preparation of orienteers in the early stages of sports improvement and the modern sports science achievements in different sports. Thus, based on the analysis of research (Andres, 2006; Basylchuk , 2002; Briskin, 2015; Chichkan , 2004; Gnatich , 2007) which was conducted with the sportsmen of different age and qualification in various sports, the diversification of the physical preparation is recognized as one of the promising areas of the quality improvement in training process of sportsmen. In accordance to this, there is a need to use a differentiated approach in the constructing the process of physical preparation of orienteers at the stage of their previous basic preparation.The study was carried out with the active assistance of the department of Olympic, professional and adaptive sports of Lviv State University of Physical Culture. Financial support was conducted with the assistance of its own funds and financial support from patrons of sport orienteering in Lviv. Material and technical base provided by coaches of sport orienteering and devices and methods were implemented by Research Institute of Lviv State University of Physical Culture.Aim of the research is to increase the effectiveness of the orienteers' physical preparation at the stage of previous basic preparation which is based on a differentiated approach to the development of physical qualities.Methods & materialTheoretical analysis and generalization; pedagogical supervision; pedagogical experiments; methods of mathematical statistics. Pedagogical supervision and experiments were conducted on the bases of the Junior sports school N°6, Children's center of tourism, sports and excursions and Lviv Regional Center of regional studies, excursions and tourism of youth (Lviv, Ukraine). The participants of our research were the 14-15 years the orienteers with 4-5 years' experience in sports activities (III-II sport categories; at the stage of previous basic training, from 20 to 32 people at different phases of research) and the orienteers with experience of sports activity up to 6-8 years (I category and Candidate master of sports; stage of specialized basic training; 16 people). All participants of the research were notified and understood all features of the experiment. Research was conducted at the territory of Lviv State University of Physical Culture. All participants at the have followed all rules and all requires during the experiment. The results of the research show only positive aspect for the participants that have increased their mastership level. So, the total influence that was done on participant is positive and didn't give a risk for their health (moral, physical and spiritual). Every effort that was made was to protect the interest and welfare of participants and researchers.Results and discussionAt the beginning of our research by use of correlation analysis we detected that the achievements of the sportsmen at the stage of previous basic preparation are more reliable (p