
upon a bulky unconcentrated food?grasses, leaves, etc.?and have a correspondingly bulky ? digestive system. The frugivora, on the other hand, live on a far more concentrated diet and have in consequence a digestive system far less bulky in proportion to their size than the herbivora. Last come the mixed feeders, such, for instance, as squirrels, which supplement their vegetable diet with eggs, and monkeys, many of which devour small birds and lizards and grubs. To which of these three great classes does man belong? The author thinks that there can be no doubt as to the answer. Man is naturally a mixed feeder, like the existing anthropoid apes, the gorilla, orang outan, gibbon, and chimpanzee. " We have, beyond all doubt, descended from a being closely allied to these creatures, and we are therefore justified in assuming that the diet of our simian ancestors was much the same as that of the presentday anthropoids, a conclusion rendered all the more certain by the remarkably close resemblance between their digestive organs and our own." Dr. Campbell considers it certain, from observations upon the anthropoid apes in captivity, and from the records of travellers, that the anthropoids are essentially frugivorous, but at the same time depend to a certain extent upon animal food, such as birds, -nakes, lizards, eggs, insects, and grubs. Passing from this consideration of the anthropoids, the author deals with man in the "