This paper, submitted as a ‘pearl’, introduces a small but useful generalisation to the ‘derivative’ operation on datatypes underlying Huet’s notion of ‘zipper’ (Huet 1997; McBride 2001; Abbott et al. 2005b), giving a concrete representation to one-hole contexts in data which is in mid-transformation. This operator, ‘dissection’, turns a container-like functor into a bifunctor representing a onehole context in which elements to the left of the hole are distinguished in type from elements to its right. I present dissection for polynomial functors, although it is certainly more general, preferring to concentrate here on its diverse applications. For a start, map-like operations over the functor and fold-like operations over the recursive data structure it induces can be expressed by tail recursion alone. Moreover, the derivative is readily recovered from the dissection, along with Huet’s navigation operations. A further special case of dissection, ‘division’, captures the notion of leftmost hole, canonically distinguishing values with no elements from those with at least one. By way of a more practical example, division and dissection are exploited to give a relatively efficient generic algorithm for abstracting all occurrences of one term from another in a first-order syntax. The source code for the paper is available online and compiles with recent extensions to the Glasgow Haskell Compiler.
Gérard P. Huet,et al.
The Zipper
Journal of Functional Programming.
Richard S. Bird,et al.
Algebra of programming
Prentice Hall International series in computer science.
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Derivatives of Regular Expressions
Jeremy Gibbons.
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PolyP—a polytypic programming language extension
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Ralf Hinze,et al.
Type-indexed data types
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Conor McBride.
The Derivative of a Regular Type is its Type of One-Hole Contexts
Conor McBride.
Faking it: Simulating dependent types in Haskell
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Peter Thiemann,et al.
A Functional Notation for Functional Dependencies
A. Joyal.
Foncteurs analytiques et espèces de structures
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Toposes, Triples and Theories
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Containers: Constructing strictly positive types
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