IA-Hysafe Standard Benchmark Exercise SBEP-V21: Hydrogen Release and Accumulation within a Non-Ventilated Ambient Pressure Garage at Low Release Rates

The successful Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) benchmarking activity, originally started within the EC-funded Network of Excellence HySafe (2004-2009), continues within the research topics of the recently established “International Association of Hydrogen Safety” (IA-HySafe). The present contribution reports the results of the standard benchmark problem SBEP-V21. Focus is given to hydrogen dispersion and accumulation within a non-ventilated ambient pressure garage both during the release and post-release periods but for very low release rates as compared to earlier work (SBEPV3). The current experiments were performed by CEA at the GARAGE facility under highly controlled conditions. Helium was vertically released from the centre of the 5.76 m (length) x 2.96 m (width) x 2.42 m (height) facility, 22 cm from the floor, from a 29.7 mm diameter opening at a volumetric rate of 18 L/min (0.027 g/s equivalent hydrogen release rate compared to 1 g/s for SBEPV3) and for a period of 3740 seconds. Helium concentrations were measured with 57 catharometric sensors at various locations for a period up to 1.1 days. The simulations were performed using a variety of CFD codes and turbulence models. The paper compares the results predicted by the participating partners and attempts to identify the reasons for any observed disagreements.