Reproducible Deposition of Trace Explosives Onto Surfaces for Test Standards Generation

Abstract : Best practice dictates that the performance metrics of an explosives-detecting sensor should be baselined against calibrated test samples under controlled conditions before testing proceeds to a rugged environment. This allows test parameters to be intelligently chosen for field testing, where the range of meaningful parameters would otherwise be too broad to allow efficient use of valuable field time. In support of internal field testing, the US Army RDECOM CERDEC Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) has developed a technique which allows rapid generation of surfaces suitably dosed with explosive residues. The technique employs a commercial air spray gun to dispense controlled doses of dissolved analyte, requiring only relatively minor modifications. This approach was chosen with the vision of developing a method that would require minimal expense and effort to build. This monograph describes the process followed, and is compiled to serve as general guidance to sensor developers who wish to consider a similar approach.