4-行程機關 排氣系의 脈動波傳達 特性에 대한 兩端子 回路網 分析法의 應用. I
Based on experimental analysis, the characteristics of pulsating pressure wave propagation is clarified by testing of 4-stroke gasoline engine.
The pulsating pressure wave in exhaust system is generated by pulsating gas flow due to working of exhaust valve. The pulsating pressure wave is closely concerned to the loss of engine power according to back pressure and exhaust noise. It is difficult to exactly calculate pulsating pressure wave propagation in exhaust system because of nonlinear effect. Therefore, in the first step for solving these problems, this paper contains experimental model and analysis method which are applied two-port network analysis.Also, it shows coherence function,frequency response function,back pressure, and gradient of temperature in exhaust system.