Using The Internet to Enhance Teaching Process at Universities For The Development of Creativity Competencies

Abstract Contemporary educational process is a subject to constant evolution, whose driving force is the process of technological development. The institution of higher education is also perceived differently, namely as a place of acquiring knowledge virtually rather than in a traditional way. Changes, which aim at using the latest communication and information technologies, provoke controversy among both the faculty and students. The quality of human capital professional creativity competencies is determined by knowledge and the ability to acquire it from various sources already at university student level. Today it is believed that creativity is one of the most significant factors of human capital development. One must bear in mind that creativity is directly connected with knowledge. The primary scientific objective of this article is to learn and investigate the frequency of the Internet use in the teaching process at selected institutions of higher education by means of scientific procedures and appropriate methodology in order to define the influence of on-line teaching on human capital professional creativity competencies. The findings have given basis to formulate a research hypothesis: The higher and more advanced ability to use the Internet in the teaching process, the higher level of human capital professional creativity competencies, which as an element of intellectual capital constitutes a major factor for development on micro and macroregion scale. The following article is a literature and empirical study based on various methods of data processing and systematizing. In order to achieve the objective and verify the research hypothesis the survey was conducted among students from three institutions of higher education. The article is concluded with findings stemming from theoretical deliberations and the conducted research.