Use of new spring core constructions in mattresses

According to an old Chinese saying: There are only two really important things in the world – a good bed and a good pair of shoes, because if you're not in one, then you most definitely are in the other. We spend as much as a third of our lives in bed, sometimes even a bit more. Our body is most sensitive about the part of bed with which it is in direct contact – mattress. The most important and the most burdened part of the mattress is definitely its core, regardless of whether it's from metal or from other materials. Therefore, in order to provide proper support for our backs, the mattress on which we sleep has to have quality core. This research examines durability, elasticity and hardness of bonnell spring and pocket spring cores. The aim of the research was to determine correlation between quality of the product and characteristics of the materials, and application of results in practice or, in other words, to demonstrate dependency of spring core elastic characteristics on different characteristics of built-in springs.