Thoracoscopic treatment of Bochdalek hernia in the adult: report of a case.

Bochdalek hernia is a type of congenital diaphragmatic hernia that mainly occurs in childhood, but is extremely rare in adults. A case report of Bochdalek hernia in a 17-year-old woman, complaining of left lateral upper abdominal pain is herein reported with a brief review of the literature. The herniated organs into the thoracic cavity in this case were the as stomach, large intestine, spleen and greater omentum which was diagnosed using computed tomography, an upper gastrointestinal double contrast study and irrigography. The patient was successfully treated by video-assisted thorachoscopic surgery (VATS) with a pushback method. The post-operating course was uneventful with minimal pain of the surgical wound. This case demonstrated the efficacy of the VATS repair for Bochdalek hernia.