Author ' s personal copy The Pro-PD Process Model for Product Derivation within software product lines

Background: The derivation of products from a software product line is a time consuming and expensive activity. Despite recognition that an effective process could alleviate many of the difficulties associated with product derivation, existing approaches have different scope, emphasise different aspects of the derivation process and are frequently too specialised to serve as a general solution. Objective: To define a systematic process that will provide a structured approach to the derivation of products from a software product line, based on a set of tasks, roles and artefacts. Method: Through a series of research stages using sources in industry and academia, this research has developed a Process Model for Product Derivation (Pro-PD). We document the evidence for the construction of Pro-PD and the design decisions taken. We evaluate Pro-PD through comparison with prominent existing approaches and standards. Results: This research presents a Process Model for Product Derivation (Pro-PD). Pro-PD describes the tasks, roles and work artefacts used to derive products from a software product line. Conclusion: In response to a need for methodological support, we developed Pro-PD (Process Model for Product Derivation). Pro-PD was iteratively developed and evaluated through four research stages. Our research is a first step toward an evidence-based methodology for product derivation and a starting point for the definition of a product derivation approach. 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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