Background. In connection with the prospect of the use of an analog of the hypothalamic hormone somatostatin synthesized by the lab-oratory of chemical synthesis Institute of experimental diagnostics and chemotherapy of FSBI «N. Blokhin Cancer Research Center» and showed a high anti-tumor activity as a drug arises a need to establish an optimal technology of its receipt. In preliminary studies in a model formulation for an analog of the hypothalamic hormone somatostatin selected liposome technological process of which has a series of specific steps comprising. of the size of the liposomes was performed by correlation spectroscopy light scattering using nanosizer. The pH of the liposomal dispersion was determined by potentiometry. The quantitative content of the drug substance was determined by spectrophotometry using a standard sample with λ (282 ± 3) nm and an alcoholic solution of empty liposomes as a reference solution. Amount of incorporated drug was calculated as the ratio of the concentration of drug in the liposome dispersion after filtration to the concentration of drug in the dispersion after preparation. Results and Conclusion. The hydrophobic nature of the substance causes an analog of the hypothalamic hormone somatostatin technological features of obtaining liposomal formulation. Since the step of forming a film of the lipid substance is dissolved in an organic sol-vent together with lipids, film is hydrated by a solution of cryoprotectant. Grinding liposomes an analog of the hypothalamic hormone somatostatin appropriate to be carried out using homogenization or extrusion methods, due to the high efficiency of these methods, the preservation stability of the liposomes and a high percentage of inclusion an analog of the hypothalamic hormone somatostatin, included in the liposomal bilayer. At the stage of separating the non-inclusion of substance an analog of the hypothalamic hormone somatostatin due to the insolubility of the substance in the water, you can use the filtering method, without the need for complicated proce-dures gel filtration, dialysis, etc. Furthermore the process of separating a substance not included can be combined with the sterilization of the liposome dispersion by selecting a particular filter material.

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