A semi‐Lagrangean time‐integration approach for extended finite element methods

Many computational problems incorporate discontinuities that evolve in time. The eXtendend Finite Element Method (XFEM) is able to represent discontinuities sharply on fixed arbitrary meshes, but numerical difficulties arise if these discontinuities move in time. We point out that this issue is crucial for interface problems with strongly discontinuous fields on fixed grids. A method using semi-Lagrangean techniques is proposed to adequately handle time integration based on finite difference schemes in the context of the XFEM. The basic idea is to adapt previous numerical solutions to the current interface position by tracking back virtual Lagrangean particles to their previous positions, where an appropriate solution can be extrapo- lated from a smooth field. Convergence properties of the proposed method in time and space are thoroughly studied for two one-dimensional model problems. Finally, the method is applied to the particularly challenging problem of premixed combustion, where the discontinuity appears at the flame front separating the burnt from the unburnt gases. A two-dimensional and a three-dimensional expanding flame demonstrates that the method is sufficiently accurate to retain the properties of the overall Nitsche-type formulation for interface problems with embedded strong discontinuities.

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