As a result of the increased demand for bandwidth, current automotive networks are getting more heterogeneous. New technologies like Ethernet as a packet-switched point-to-point network are introduced. Nevertheless, the requirements on stand-by power consumption and short activation times are still the same as for existing field buses. Ethernet does not provide wakeup mechanisms that are sufficient for automotive systems. As a remedy, this paper introduces a novel physical-layer mechanism called Low Frequency Wakeup that is largely independent of the communication technology and topology used. It provides parallel and remote wakeup for all nodes even in a point-to-point network as well as full support of partial networking. The overall wakeup detection time is smaller than 10ms and every node can actively feed a wakeup signal asynchronously to all other nodes. In terms of latency, it is shown that Low Frequency Wakeup reaches a reduction of more than 30 % for a three-hop network and more than 50 % for a five-hop network in comparison to the current state-of-the-art technology for automotive point-to-point networks.
Martin,et al.
“Seis” — security in embedded IP-based systems
Herbert Meier,et al.
„Seis“ — Sicherheit in Eingebetteten IP-Basierten Systemen
Charles E. Spurgeon.
Ethernet: The Definitive Guide
Pedro Reviriego,et al.
IEEE 802.3az: the road to energy efficient ethernet
IEEE Communications Magazine.
Thomas Waas,et al.
Energy consumption of Ethernet compared to automotive bus networks
2011 Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems.
Michael Kaindl,et al.
Steuergerät und Verfahren zum Betrieb des Steuergeräts sowie KFZ mit derartigem Steuergerät