A Survey of Vision-Based Transfer Learning in Human Activity Recognition

Human activity recognition (HAR) and transfer learning (TL) are two broad areas widely studied in computational intelligence (CI) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Much effort has been put into developing suitable solutions to advance the current performance of existing systems. However, challenges are facing the existing methods of HAR. In HAR, the variations in data required in HAR systems pose challenges to many existing solutions. The type of sensory information used could play an important role in overcoming some of these challenges. Vision-based information in 3D acquired using RGB-D cameras is one type. Furthermore, with the successes encountered in TL, HAR stands to benefit from TL to address challenges to existing methods. Therefore, it is important to review the current state-of-the-art related to both areas. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of vision-based HAR using different methods with a focus on the incorporation of TL in HAR methods. It also discusses the limitations, challenges and possible future directions for more research.

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