LCC기법을 활용한 단열외벽패널시스템의 경제성분석
In this study, an insulation panel system that has the most excellent economic feasibility in a long term LCC viewpoint in some analysis, which determine a proper insulation panel construction method for the out wall of structures, is analyzed. As a result, in the case of a deterministic LCC analysis, the initial investment cost represents about 80,000Won/㎡ for extrusion ceramic panels. Also, although the costs of maintenance, disassembling, and disposal show no large differences compared with other panel systems, metal panels indicate a bit higher than other panel systems about 1.5 times. In the probability density function that analyzes the variation of the probabilistic cost between panel systems and its economic feasibility, metal panels show the highest cost distribution and extrusion and stone panels represent low cost distributions. In the cumulative function distribution that composites probability density functions, the extrusion ceramic panel represents the most excellent economic feasibility and reliability and that is also the most superior subject among the subjects used in this study.