Web knowledge management and decision support : 14th International Conference on Applications of Prolog, INAP 2001, Tokyo, Japan, October 20-22, 2001 : revised papers
Web-Languages and Logic.- to Part I: Web-Languages and Logic.- The Rule Markup Language: RDF-XML Data Model, XML Schema Hierarchy, and XSL Transformations.- Software Components for Internet Based Self-service Consulting Systems.- iML: A Logic-Based Framework for Constructing Graphical User Interface on Mobile Agents.- PGR: Portuguese Attorney General's Office Decisions on the Web.- Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Representation.- to Part II: Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Representation.- Preferring and Updating in Logic-Based Agents.- Relational Information Retrieval through Natural Language Analysis.- A Functional Operator-Based Morphological Analysis of Japanese.- Towards Reconciling Use Cases via Controlled Language and Graphical Models.- Selection Restrictions Acquisition for Parsing Improvement.- Decision Support by Advanced Logic Programming.- to Part III: Decision Support by Advanced Logic Programming.- Defeasible Logic.- Connecting Databases with Argumentation.- Prolog Issues and Experimental Results of an MCMC Algorithm.- Action Rules for Programming Constraint Propagators and Interactive User Interfaces.- Constraint Solving over OCR Graphs.- Constraint-Based Configuration of Large Systems.- Data Mining and Web-Knowledge Management.- to Part IV: Data Mining and Web-Knowledge Management.- Collaborative Information Filtering by Using Categorized Bookmarks on the Web.- Discovering Frequent Itemsets in the Presence of Highly Frequent Items.- Mining Multi-dimensional Quantitative Associations.- Constructing Appropriate Data Abstractions for Mining Classiffication Knowledge.- Relationship-Based Dynamic Versioning of Evolving Legal Documents.