Probabilistic model of two-dimensional rhythm tree structure representation for automatic transcription of polyphonic MIDI signals

This paper proposes a Bayesian approach for automatic music transcription of polyphonic MIDI signals based on generative modeling of onset occurrences of musical notes. Automatic music transcription involves two subproblems that are interdependent of each other: rhythm recognition and tempo estimation. When we listen to music, we are able to recognize its rhythm and tempo (or beat location) fairly easily even though there is ambiguity in determining the individual note values and tempo. This may be made possible through our empirical knowledge about rhythm patterns and tempo variations that possibly occur in music. To automate the process of recognizing the rhythm and tempo of music, we propose modeling the generative process of a MIDI signal of polyphonic music by combining the sub-process by which a musically natural tempo curve is generated and the sub-process by which a set of note onset positions is generated based on a 2-dimensional rhythm tree structure representation of music, and develop a parameter inference algorithm for the proposed model. We show some of the transcription results obtained with the present method.