Photodetector units for second generation thermal imaging systems in Orion

Infrared second generation photodetectors developments have been carried out in RD&P Center "Orion" for creation short wavelength IR (SWIR, 1 to 3μm), medium wavelength IR (MWIR, 3 to 5 μm) and long wavelength IR (LWIR, 8 to 1 μm) on the base of lead chalcogenides (PbS, PbSe), indium antimonide (InSb) and mercury cadmium telluride (CdHg1Te). Performance and operational functionality of 2xl28 (PbS, PbSe), 256x256 (InSb), and 2x256, 4x288 256x256, 384x288, 768x576 (MCT) focal plane arrays (FPA) are specified. Requirements to the FPA for main directions of thermovision systems applications are given.