Bioengineering of the skin : skin biomechanics

INTRODUCTION Mechanical Properties of Human Skin: Biomechemical Aspects, Oikarinen and Knuutinen Mechanical Properties of Human Skin: Animal Models, Vogel Mechanical Properties of Human Skin: Elasticity Parameters and Their Relevance, Serup Mechanical Properties of the Skin During Friction Assessment, Zahouani, Asserin, and Humbert ELASTICITY AND VISCOELASTICITY General Aspects: Hardware and Basic Principles of the Dermal Torque Meter, de Rigal In Vivo Tensile Tests on Human Skin: The Extensometers, Vescovo, Varchon, and Humbert Hardware and Measuring Principles: The Cutometer, Berndt and Elsner Hardware and Measurement Principles: The Gas-bearing Electrodynamometer and Linear Skin Rheometer, Matts Hardware and Measuring Principles: The Dermaflex A, Serup Hardware and Measuring Principles: The DermaLab, Serup Hardware and Measuring Principles: The Dermagraph in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis and in Healthy Volunteers, Hauselmann, Huber, Seifert, and Michel Hardware and Measuring Principles: The Durometer, Romanelli and Falanga Hardware and Measuring Principles: The Ballistometer, Pugliese and Potts Hardware and Measuring Principles: The Microindentometer, Edwards and Graves Standardization of Skin Biomechanical Measurements, Wickett Mapping Mechanical Properties of Human Skin, Wilhelm and Maibach Skin Mechanics and Hydration, Larsen and Jemec Skin Tensile Strength in Scleroderma, Pierard, Hermanns-Le, and Pierard-Franchimont Mechanical Properties in Other Dermatological Diseases, Dobrev Product Testing: Skin Biomechanics: Antiaging Products, Rona and Berardesca Product Testing: Moisturizers, Barel Antikeloidal Products, Worret