Technologies for sustained biological resource observations with potential applications in coastal homeland security
Of all the classical oceanographic disciplines, we are probably least well equipped to further the understanding of biological oceanography through the data that will be provided by an Integrated Sustained Ocean Observing System (IOOS). What's more, some of the same federal agencies that would normally be approached to invest in the development of new sensor systems for IOOS biological applications are now faced with more pressing priorities-homeland security among them-all competing for the same limited resources. This paper introduces some technologies and applications that are capable of conducting sustained biological oceanographic observations and how these technologies may be used for ocean biological resource assessment while simultaneously helping to secure our nation's borders. Particular emphasis is given to passive acoustic systems that may be employed both to monitor biota as well as anthropogenic activity. Also discussed are potential dual use applications in both oceanography and USCG mission execution, including High Frequency Surface Wave Radar (HFSWR). Finally, a number of existing and emerging telemetry techniques and systems are described that may provide the extensive data connectivity for the offshore sensors required of the IOOS, as well as improve coastal security.