Toward effective geographic information system for the liberalized markets

In order to perform various tasks (power flow calculations, network state monitoring, removing the constraint violations, load forecast of distribution substations, switching planning and network topology optimization, maintenance planning, DSM, spot price forecasting, energy purchase optimization, etc) distribution engineers have to get a very good estimate on loads of transformers MV/LV. Combination of GIS and distribution load estimation algorithm based on using customer billing information and the load measurements (feeder currents and busbar voltages of the distribution substations) delivered by SCADA is used to provide needed load estimates. Because the great number of load points are scattered in the whole area supplied by distribution system, it is unrealistic to measure the load and to get the load profile of each load point (transformer MV/LV). This paper provides an assessment of how accurately combination of GIS and distribution load estimation algorithm is able to obtain needed dynamic load models for HV/MV substations.