Measurement of potency and lipids in monensin fermentation broth by near-infrared spectroscopy.

A transmission near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic method for quantification of potency and lipids in monensin fermentation broth was developed and validated. Two multiple linear regression calibration curves were established for a set of 100 fermentation samples, correlating the appropriate absorption bands in the NIR spectrum to the laboratory reference methods; high-performance liquid chromatography for potency, and chloroform extraction for lipids. During method development, potency was found to be well correlated to NIR absorbances specific for monensin. While acceptable, correlation of NIR absorbances characteristic of oil to the chloroform lipid method was weaker due to a greater amount of relative variation in the lipid measurements. Following establishment of the optimal calibration curves, the NIR method for potency and lipids was validated for selectivity, accuracy, precision, and robustness. In order to investigate long-term drift in the measurement system, samples were tested both by the NIR and the reference methods over a 7-month period. The differences between results from the two measurements were calculated and statistically analyzed.