Sizing and Siting Strategy of Dispersed Wind Farm for Reducing Network Loss and Improving Loadability

Reasonable gridding control of dispersed wind farm (DWF) can improve voltage stability and reduce losses of distribution network (DN). However, intermittent power generation gridding is a challenge for traditional power scheduling without proper sizing and siting planning. For distribution network economic planning, a sizing and siting strategy of dispersed wind farm for reducing network loss and improving loadability is proposed based on optimal integration power and power factor (PF). Firstly, a network loss calculation method is presented considering DWF integration. Secondly, effects of reactive power losses on total losses are studied, and two indices are defined for the first time by characterizing distribution network losses: active and reactive power loss indices. The multi-objective sizing and siting strategy of minimum network losses is established, and the effect of DWF on DN voltage stability margin is analyzed. Finally, simulation examples prove the effectiveness of maximum wind power integration, enhanced loadability and minimum network losses of proposed strategy based on IEEE-33, 69 and 37 nodes systems.

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