공동주택의 석고보드 건식벽체 적용에 의한 전 생애주기 CO 2 저감성 평가 관한 연구
In this study, CO2 generated during the life cycle of the building(LCCO2), which used plaster board drywall, was assessment Typical concrete bearing wall structure for apartment was set as case 1, and comparison subjects were developed as case 2, case 3 and case 4 based on the ratio of plaster board drywall on top of case 1. Then the life cycle assessments were conducted by stages including construction stage, operation/maintenance stage and demolition/waste stage. As a result, in case of flat-type, the CO2 reduction rates of cases 2, 3 and 4 compare to case1 were 1.0%, 4.5% and 5.4% respect.