An approved in vitro approach to preclinical safety and efficacy evaluation of engineered T cell receptor anti-CD3 bispecific (ImmTAC) molecules
B. Jakobsen | J. Dukes | J. Harper | M. Canestraro | D. Blat | Joseph P. Sanderson | Andrea R. Stacey | Jane V. Harper | G. Bossi | Alex S. Powlesland | A. Vuidepot | K. Adams | N. Hassan | Brian J. Cameron | S. Paston | R. Carreira | Gabrielle S Le Provost | Kate L. Lowe | A. Stacey | N. Bedke | L. Humbert | D. Wright | R. Martinez-Hague | Hazel Buchanan | Zoe Donnellan | L. Weigand | S. Botta Gordon-Smith | Karolina A Rygiel | A. Powlesland | K. Lowe