Analog circuit design: volt electronics; mixed-mode systems; low-noise and RF power amplifiers for telecommunication
Preface. Part I: 1-Volt Electronics. Dynamic Translinear Circuits W.A. Serdijn, et al. 1-V Log-Domain Filters C. Enz, M. Punzenberger. 1V Switched-Capacitor Filters A. Baschirotto, R. Castello. 1V DeltaSigma A/D Converters V. Peluso, et al. 1-Volt RF Circuit Design for Pagers E. Callaway. DC/DC Conversion, the Key to Low Power Consumption E.C. Dijkmans, F.J. Sluijs. Part II: Design and Implementation of Mixed Modes Systems. Substrate Bounce in Mixed-Mode CMOS ICs B. Nauta, G. Hoogzaad. Technology Impacts on Substrate Noise F.J.R. Clement. Design Techniques to Reduce Substrate Noise T. Blalack. 1.2 Gb/s CML Transceiver with 1M CMOS ATM/SDH Processor in a BICMOS Monochip L. Dugoujon. Modeling Noise Coupling in Mixed-Signal/RF ICs N.K. Verghese. Top-Down Design of Mixed-Mode Systems: Challenges and Solutions G.G.E. Gielen. Part III: Low-Noise and RF Power Amplifier for the Communication. The Design of Narrowband CMOS RF Low-Noise Amplifiers T.H. Lee. Design of Broadband Low-Noise Amplifiers in Deep-Submicron CMOS Technologies J. Janssens, M. Steyaert. Put Your Power into SOA LNAs! P. Baltus. Radio Transceiver Circuits in Silicon Germanium J. Sevenhans, B. Verstraeten. Modeling for Si-Bipolar Power Amplifiers S. Weber. Design Considerations for GaAs MESFET RF Power Amplifiers S. Taylor.