Database Machines

K. Hahne, P. PiLgram, D. Schuett, H. Schweppe, G. WoLf Corporate Laboratories for Information TechnoLogy Siemens AG, Munich, West Germany Progress in computer technoLogy, microprocessors and storage chip design in particuLar, has had a major impact on computer architecture. UntiL now, research in database machine architecture focussed on search acceLerators attached to sLow background storage devices, and on muLtiprocessor configurations expLoiting the paraLLeLism inherent in database tasks. The use of a quasi-associative device of Large capacity, the Hybrid Associative Store (HAS), in standard and non-standard database appLications incLuding the inference subsystem of a deductive database management system is discussed. The HAS has been under deveLopment at the research Laboratories of Siemens AG since 1983.