Produção e avaliação do desempenho de painéis de partículas de madeira a partir de resíduos de podas de árvores urbanas

Species used in urban arborization require regular pruning to meet the unique essences requirementsand to ensure safety in relation to electrical and telephonic nets. The large volumeof material from pruning has the potential to be (in particulate shape) used in panel production for furniture manufacturing and for use as building components. In this study, we used tree pruning residues of Canelinha (Nectandra lanceolata), obtained in the city of Sao Carlos (SP). With this material, particleboards with the two-component castor oil based polyurethane resin (PUR) as adhesive were produced. PUR was developed in Sao Carlos Chemistry Institute, USP. The process parameters were: particle maximum dimension 2,8 mm; adhesive percentage 16%; pressing temperature: 90oC; pressing time: 10 min. Tests for panel performance evaluation were carried out according to NBR 14810:2006 recommendations. Results demonstrated the technical feasibility of this production, once much of the regulatory requirements were achieved. Adjustments to process parameters, mainly regarding the pressing temperature, are needed in order to the panels reach all requirements of NBR 14810:2006.