Environmental Impact by Spill of Geothermal Fluids at the Geothermal Field of Los Azufres, Michoacán, Mexico

Monitoring of surface water and shallow aquifers inside and outside of the Los Azufres geothermal fieldduring the period November 1994 to May 1996 led to thedetection of some contamination of surface water andshallow aquifers due to exploitation of the deepbrines. Leaking of evaporation ponds and pipelines,occasionally overflowing of reinjection wells and pondrims as well as outflowing of brines duringrehabilitation or drilling operations, are potentialcontamination sources within the cycle of geothermalproduction.Temporarily and/or permanently increased traceelements concentrations, especially Fe, Mn, F, B, andAs in surface waters within the geothermal field aswell as up to 10 km outside, were observed. Maximumvalues of 125 and 8 mg L-1 were observed for B and As,respectively. The discharge of hypersaline geothermalbrines also causes salinization of surrounding soils.It occasionally happens that cattle drink from thebrines. The use of the river for irrigation anddrinking water supply in the surrounding regions maycause accumulation of toxic elements in the human foodchain or may endanger the public health.The establishment of a closed geothermal productioncycle can be achieved by simple remediationtechniques, such as sealing of the pond walls, removalof overflow channels, direct reinjection without anyreposal time in evaporation ponds, as well as animproved security and control system.