에듀테인먼트 공간으로 조성된 국립수목원 어린이정원의 시설 및 프로그램 만족도 조사
The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfaction of student, adult and forest interpreters about facilities and program of children"s garden, which was constructed as edutainment space within Korea National Arboretum on May 2011. The results are as follows. First, an information about construction of children"s garden should be provided actively, because 70.8% student and 68.6% adult of respondent did not know existence of children"s garden. Second, it has been analysed that a fundamental conception of GREEN-I be reflected in construction children"s garden, especially, reflecting conception of Enjoy and Edutainment was comparatively high. Third, It was found that ecological experiencing activities program of children"s garden was positively to develop environmental literacy for student. Fourth, It was found that satisfaction of uncommon planting area was very low among planting area and satisfaction of forest interpreters was very low about place of ecological experience learning using five senses. Finally, for effective operation of children"s garden, children"s garden should be provided planting for environmental education connected with the school curriculum and ecological experiencing activities program to enjoy time with the family. Therefore, these results will be applied to improve children"s garden and could be applied to construct other children"s garden in botanical gardens.