On errors of fit and accuracy in matching synthetic seismograms and seismic traces

A synthetic seismogram that closely resembles a seismic trace recorded at a well may not be at all reliable for, say, stratigraphic interpretation around the well. The most accurate synthetic seismogram is, in general, not the one that displays the smallest errors of fit to the trace but the one that best estimates the noise on the trace. If the match is confined to a short interval of interest or if the seismic reflection wavelet is allowed to be unduly long, there is considerable danger of forcing a spurious fit that treats the noise on the trace as part of the seismic reflection signal instead of making a genuine match with the signal itself. This paper outlines tests that allow an objective and quantitative evaluation of the accuracy of any match and illustrates their application with practical examples. The accuracy of estimation is summarized by the normalized mean square error (NMSE) in the estimated reflection signal, which is shown to be (/n)(PN/PS) where PS/PN is the signal-to-noise power ratio and n is the spectral smoothing factor. That is, the accuracy varies directly with the ratio of the power in the signal (taken to be the synthetic) to that in the noise on the seismic trace, and the smoothing acts to improve the accuracy of the predicted signal. The construction of confidence intervals for the NMSE is discussed. Guidelines for the choice of the spectral smoothing factor n are given. The variation of wavelet shape due to different realizations of the noise component is illustrated, and the use of confidence intervals on wavelet phase is recommended. Tests are described for examining the normality and stationarity of the errors of fit and their independence of the estimated reflection signal.