E-Learning standards and learning analytics. Can data collection be improved by using standard data models?

The Learning Analytics (LA) discipline analyzes educational data obtained from student interaction with online resources. Most of the data is collected from Learning Management Systems deployed at established educational institutions. In addition, other learning platforms, most notably Massive Open Online Courses such as Udacity and Coursera or other educational initiatives such as Khan Academy, generate large amounts of data. However, there is no generally agreedupon data model for student interactions. Thus, analysis tools must be tailored to each system's particular data structure, reducing their interoperability and increasing development costs. Some e-Learning standards designed for content interoperability include data models for gathering student performance information. In this paper, we describe how well-known LA tools collect data, which we link to how two e-Learning standards - IEEE Standard for Learning Technology and Experience API - define their data models. From this analysis, we identify the advantages of using these e-Learning standards from the point of view of Learning Analytics.