Analysis of one dimensional nonlinear consolidation of layered soils under time-dependent loading
The well-known empirical e -log10σ′ and e-log10kv relations were introduced f or the first time into the study on one dimensional nonlinear consolidation of l ayered soils, and the corresponding governing equation was then presented, in wh ich the influences such as time dependent loading, layered soils and actual o verburden pressure were taken into consideration. Based on the semi-analytical solution, the relevant program NAODCLS was developed by Fortran programming. By using it, the behavior of one dimensional nonlinear consolidation of layered soi ls under time-dependent loading was discussed. It was concluded that the rate o f excess pore water pressure dissipation is different from that of settlement du ring the nonlinear consolidation of layered soils; and that the actual overburde n pressure profile could result in faster consolidation and larger settlement than ones by conventional treatment which assumes that the overburde n pressure profile is uniform.