Capacitor for low-inductance intermediate circuit assemblies
It presents a low inductance constructed capacitor that can be integrated into an intermediate circuit construction of inverters and adapted to enable a compact and reliable construction way. DOLLAR A The low-inductance construction of the capacitor is achieved by passing through the winding (3) sleeve formed from sheet-stick sheets of dielectric material alternating with an aluminum foil (2) isolated as a film capacitor to against the winding (3) in an embodiment of the capacitor central contact (8) of the lower terminal area with external terminals (6, 11), which is used above the upper terminal area (5) and an electrolytic capacitor of the edge termination in the embodiment of the capacitor (1) is formed by an enveloping cup, the centric an inner in the sleeve (2) projecting cone extension (21) and both capacitor terminals are formed centrally on the upper capacitor side, so that the two electrical terminals in close proximity in both capacitor embodiments and carried out isolated from each other are.