항공사 객실승무원의 피로도, 개인업적이 직무만족, 직무성과 및 서비스회복에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among fatigue, personal accomplishment, job satisfaction, job performance and service recovery performance of flight attendant. Based on this aim, the data is collected form the flight attendants who are engaged in airline work at two major airlines in Korea. The main results are as follows; First, fatigue has positive influence with job satisfaction. Second, personal accomplishment has a positive effect on job satisfaction. Therefore, it could improve flight attendant``s concentration and goal consciousness and promote the efficiency on duty. Third, job satisfaction has statistically significant effect on job performance and service recovery performance. This study can conclude that flight attendants`` positive perspective on their duty increases job performance and service recovery performance. That is, active attitude on duty can improve flight attendant``s satisfaction and relationship with customers. and finally escalate flight attendants`` satisfaction and service recovery performance.