Personal interests can be established through Internet media clipping and collecting in current intensive utilization of Internet world, and those interest collections can be used as future reference. During the clipping and collecting process, the mind of recognition to established personal interests may be mixed or changed while the amounts of their own personal interests are getting larger. This makes these people spend extra time to recall their recognition of personal interests to classify new Internet media correctly. This study defines a linking logic to depict the recognition of personal interest. An Internet media clipper architecture is also proposed to establish personal interests by clipping Internet media without human intervention according to specified linking logic. A case study demonstrates a “News Interest” which is established from clipped online news articles with “cause and effect” linking logic.
Sebastian G. Elbaum,et al.
Supporting end-users in the creation of dependable web clips
WWW '07.
Atanas Kiryakov,et al.
Semantic Annotation, Indexing, and Retrieval
Susan T. Dumais,et al.
Searching to eliminate personal information management
Mark S. Melenhorst.
Supporting professional readers of online documents
CHI EA '04.
ChengXiang Zhai,et al.
Mining long-term search history to improve search accuracy
KDD '06.
Yong Yu,et al.
Exploring social annotations for the semantic web
WWW '06.