Distribution of pyrimidine bases in herringroe deoxyribonucleic acid.

The product was methylated under the conditions described by Anderson, Barker, Gulland & Lock (1952), absolute methanol (15 ml.), methyl iodide (2 ml.) and dry Ag2O (2 g.) being used. The product was found to have an apparent methoxyl content (Zeisel) of 13-7 %. The methylated product was treated with 0 1N-NaOH (3 ml.) at 1000 for 4 hr. After neutraliza-tion with 0 1N-HCl, the solution was concentrated to dryness. The product had OMe 6-35 % (corrected for the presence of NaCl) and was free from traces of organically bound sulphur. results of electrometric titrations and of re- actions with bacitracin