Technical aspects of the digitalization of media

This paper begins with general introduction and analysis of the definition of the media. Strong correlation exists between the manner of communication among people and the level of society development. Five civilization levels are presented, covering 6000 years of human history. The fourth and fifth civilizations are covering the period since the beginning of the 20th century. The fourth civilization is known as the civilization of electronic media. The term of the signal as a message equivalent is the most important term in the analysis of the communication process. Transition towards the fifth civilization lasts for more than thirty years. One of the most important steps in this process is the signal digitalization. This process consists of three main steps and it is explained here in very simple terms, with no mathematics. Several popular digital components are explained, primarily their memory size and capacity. Digital data transmission stands at the end of the digitalization process. Bit rate has been a limiting term for further wireless communication development. Some hints explaining the way of circumventing the bit rate problem are presented.